Cruising from SYC
Cruises in Company
We arrange "Cruises in Company" to various locations on the Northumberland and North Yorkshire coast throughout the year. We enjoy sailing together and usually arrange some sort of social event for the evenings, a meal or a drink at a local hostelry.
We have learned that the weather combines to disrupt our plans in the programme, in most cases we will change the destination to overcome the problems created by the weather, very few weekend cruises have been cancelled, but many have not reached the planned destination. We attempt whenever possible to go away on the planned weekends, we will continue to adapt the programme to suit the weather.
Don't forget if you like racing we do have our Seamanship Events, click to find out more.
Useful Information for Cruising
The correct use of flags is a tradition worth maintaining and the rules and guidance in the fine art of Flag Etiquette should help in maintaining the tradition and to instill some pride and pleasure in the observance and correct use of flags. Click Here.
Our Club Burgee can be purchased from "Ensign Flags" of Liverpool. They are manufactured from 'MOD' quality cloth and are sewn not printed. Click Here.
Connect a DSC Radio to a GPS Click Here.
Connect a laptop to a GPS Click Here.
Connect AIS Radar Engine to a Plotter Click Here.
Electronic Weather Forecasts The use of the information contained in GRIB files (Gridded Information in Binary) in weather forecasting. This information can be accessed free find out how.
The Club has a Group MMSI number, this will allow group calling for those boats using the number See Alan Dixon for details
Any Boats going abroad to a EU country for the Schengen Form Click Here.
Link to Waypoints for our cruising area, these have been carefully collected over the years. Used at the navigators own risk. Click Here.
Passage Planning Distances Northumberland Distances. Click Here.
Coastguard Areas Contact. Click Here.
Information on anchors and Anchoring Click Here.
Safety Gear for boats participation in the inshore cruising programme, that is the weekends and the Muster, the boats should be equipped to category "B". For boats participation on the longer cruise, that involve overnight offshore sailing Category 'A" equipment is recommended. Link to recommended Safety Gear.
Last updated 09:46 on 13 January 2025