Get ready for the Roker Regatta 2022

Published 17:00 on 30 Jun 2022
The next event on the horizon at Sunderland is Roker Regatta on the weekend 9th & 10th of July. Two races are planned for Saturday afternoon and 3 races are planned for Sunday. There will be 3 classes, classes 1 & 2 will be for those boats wishing to use a spinnaker and class 3 will be for a non-spinnaker i.e., white sail.
In recognition of the fact that some of the boats in class 3 may be less experienced racers, it is intended that they will have their own class start 5 minutes behind class 1 & 2, this should ensure all the spinnaker class boats will be well clear of the start area before the start of class 3.
The courses to be used are included in the Sailing Instructions which can be found on the club website. It is intended that classes 1 & 2 will sail a windward/leeward format and that class 3 will sail a triangular course. Only part of the windward leg will be common to all 3 classes, for the majority of their race class 3 will be racing away from the other classes.
If you have sailed in the white sail events at SYC in the past then you will find class 3 at Roker Regatta very similar. If you think you would like to participate in the event please don't be put off, it is hoped to have a coach boat on the water to assist those sailors in class 3 who are a little unsure of the rules. If there is demand it is possible to have a very basic rules talk/presentation for 30 minutes at 9:30 on Saturday morning, those people who attended the rules discussions over the winter will find the content very familiar.
If you would like to be involved in the event but don't wish to sail then any assistance either on the committee boat, mark boat, or in the race office would be greatly appreciated, please don't feel either intimidated or that you lack experience, we all had to start somewhere (much of the recording and results calculations for the last 2 white sail regattas were done by an 11-year-old!!!!!!).
It is very likely that the volunteers recording the boat times and sail numbers will not be familiar with the boats competing, to make their task less onerous it is requested that boats fly their class pennant from their backstay, thanks in anticipation.
The entry fee is £15 per boat, there is a discounted entry fee for those boats which enter online via the club website:
Online entry is £10 and is available till midnight Friday 8 th July. Early entry enables the race management team to prepare results programmes etc before the event, reducing the workload on Saturday morning.
Sailing Instructions and Notice of Race are also available using the above link.
Please seek out Jimmy Carter, Phil Lingwood, or David Addison if you have any questions relating to the event.
Last updated 09:46 on 13 January 2025