Cruiser Racing
Cruiser races are organised on Sundays and Wednesday evenings. The season starts late April and continues to late October. The Cruiser Racing Programme is now available to download below.
Series Results:
Wednesday Series - A & B Class
Commodore Series - A & B Class
Dark Wednesday Series - A & B Class
Dark Wednesday Series - C Class
Autumn Series
Event Results:
If you wish to get involved in any additional races during the season visit the NECRA website as further information can be obtained of all races planned for the year.
Remember it is imperative that you and your crew stay safe so ensure that you read the following documentation and be sure to check the tides. (If links are not working downloads are available at the end of page)
Guide to OODs and RIB or Safety Boat Users
Safety Requirements for Racing Boats
The following guide is aimed at those looking to help run some of the SYC cruiser events - How to Run a Cruiser Race
The Seamanship Event
This event is to test navigational and metrological skills as well as a test of boat speed, and should appeal to racing sailors and cruising sailors alike. Timing is a self declaration, by completing the form available in the Club on the weekend of the event or by downloading the form available below (four different forms are available please ensure you select the correct form).
The objective of the event is to complete the prescribed course in the shortest possible time; this can be achieved by making the best use of the wind and tide. This makes the event a test of navigational and metrological skills as well as a test of boat speed, and should appeal to racing sailors and cruising sailors alike.
The course must be completed between 07:00 Saturday and 18:00 Sunday. Boats may complete the course as many times as they wish, only one time can be submitted. Timing is a self declaration, by completing the form available in the Club on the weekend of the event or by downloading the form from the website. Details of the course are on the form (Race Marks Here)
Last updated 09:46 on 13 January 2025